Intensive Horse Oil Cream

Intensive Horse Oil Cream

Nagano Intensive Horse Oil Cream is an extremely moisturizing cream containing high concentrations of Vitamin E within a 100% horse oil formula.

It is naturally highly rich in Niacinamide and pure Ceramide which are beneficial to create and strengthen an ideal healthy antibacterial barrier and also ensure skin whitening rejuvenation.

Niacinamide in particular works to brighten and lighten the skin and is used to treat hyperpigmentation and various degrees of acne.

With this perfect combination of essential natural ingredients, Nagano Intensive Horse Oil Cream is formulated texturally as a light buttery cream for maximum absorption properties to impart a healthy glow and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
skin up to 48 hours with horse oil

Direction for use: 

Apply and massage an appropriate amount on your face prior to bedtime or first thing in the morning followed by Nagano Sunscreen Cream for perfect protection. Nagano Intensive Horse Oil Cream also works well under applied makeup.
Flawless skin up to 48 hours with horse oil

ながの馬油集中美容クリーム はビタミンEを豊富に含み、100%純正馬油を使用した保湿力の大変優れたクリームです。
ながの馬油集中美容クリーム にはお肌にとって重要な成分が天然素材を使って配合されています。滑らかでバターのようなテクチャーでお肌への吸収を促進し、輝きのあるシワのないお肌をつくります。

Direction for use: 

ながの馬油集中美容クリーム を就寝前か朝のスキンケア時に適量を顔に塗布します。日中はながの日焼け止めクリームを馬油クリームの後お使いいただくことをお勧めします。



Capacity / Volume:: 
70 g.